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Ensuring optimal growth and yield through foliar fertilisers


foliar fertilizers
can be more
Soil nutrients are not always completely available. This is due in particular to: leaching, soil fixations, blockages and other losses. With FoliRich we can avoid these factors. FoliRich applies the nutrients directly on the leaf, where the plant mostly needs them. Foliar uptake of nutrients is much faster than root uptake. Therefore foliar fertilisation is the method of choice when deficiency symptoms are noted and prompt correction of deficiencies is required. Nutrients rapidly absorbed through the foliage, providing the plant with the missing nutrients, and strengthening it.

FoliRich is uniquely formulated to bolster plant health and yeild. The essence of FoliRich are of high quality imported mixtures yet cost effective after produce. WIth formulas formulated for each stage and needs, FOLIRICH is ready to meet any agricultural requirements.

Meet the
range of product

Balanced NPK with multiple TE is beneficial for a plethora of crops especially during nursing, growing and post fruiting stage.
High Potassium helps increase fruits weight and density thus producing larger yield quality. Suitable for all kinds of fruit tree.
Specially formulated for young fruit trees, it helps accelerate growth and root systems development.
Calcium Boron Potassium ( CBK ), has high potassium and multiple TE content that effectively help increase sugar content that improves the taste and quality of fruits.

This formula contains High Nitrogen that is proven to promote growth rate especially during nursery stage. This is notably suitable for leafy crops.
Calcium Boron Magnesium, CBM in short contains high calcium contents that significantly improves yield quality. CBM helps strengthen cell walls thus protecing the life of fruits and vegetables.
This solution is design to bolster plants’ flower growth. It induces larger quantity of flowers during the process leading to increased pollination success rate.
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